Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boy or Girl??

We had our second appointment at the baby doctor yesterday. I am officially 12 weeks along, now (the baby is the size of a large plum!!). After waiting for 30 minutes in the waiting room, and another 15 in the exam room (don't you just hate that doctor's offices are NEVER on time?), we finally saw our doctor. After some questions, he performed a Doppler exam to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time. So fun!

The baby's heart rate came in at a whopping 160 beats per minute, which brings me to my next point...boy or girl? There are several old wives' tales out there for determining baby gender. I have listed them, with my results, below:

Heart Rate: (over 140=girl, under 140=boy).......................................................................................Girl
High or low: (high=girl, low=boy)...Hard to say since I am not really showing, but mostly low......Boy
Sweet V. Sour: (Ice cream for girls, pickles for boys)... (I can't get enough ice cream!!)..................Girl
Chinese Birth Chart: (Uses age and month of conception).................................................................Girl
Mayan Predictor (because they are so great at predicting stuff): (uses age and year of conception).Girl
The Key Test: (determined by how a friend picks up a key)..............................................................Boy
The Zit Test: (breakouts=girl).............................................................................................................Boy
The Ring Swing: (your ring on a sting swings back and forth v. in a circle)......................................Girl
Morning Sickness: (sick=girl, hardly sick at all=boy)...Hard to say since this is my first.................Girl
Hair: (thin and dull=girl, thick=boy)..................................................................................................Boy
Weight Distribution: (in front=boy, in hips/bum=girl).......................................................................Boy
Cold Feet: (colder feet=boy, no change=girl).....................................................................................Girl

Final Score: Girl
I find out gender July 20th! YAY!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


For those of you that don't know, I recently dropped around 27 pounds on Weight Watchers. While it was the easiest diet I have ever been on, it was no easy task. I finally got down to a weight I was comfortable with, and was finally able to fit those skinny jeans that had been in the back of my closet for several years.

Ever since I became pregnant, I have had an insatiable appetite. It seems like I am always hungry. Along with that has come some big time cravings for full-flavor ice cream, which I did not think would be a big deal since I have always heard that if your pregnant, you are "eating for two." It's a free license to eat whatever you want, right?? Wrong. My doctor, along with his staff and the pregnancy books I am reading, have all been sure to inform me that I must continue to carefully consider every morsel that goes into my mouth. Bummer.

At their suggestions, I have been carefully tracking my weight to ensure that my weight gain stays under control, and within the "healthy" guidelines. I was feeling like I have gained about 20 lbs back, but was always surprised to step on the scale to find that I had not moved an ounce....that is, until this week. That's right...the first pound has found its way to my midsection (I, of course, look more like 10-15 pounds have settled there). Of course, the problem with being around 10 weeks is that you don't necessarly "look" pregnant....just chubby. Luckly I bought clothes as I lost weight, so I still have a good amount of items that still fit (those skinny jeans have found there way back into the back of the closet).

I don't really mind that much, because I know this extra weight is going to a good cause- the nurishment of that little one. I am just ready to actually "look" pregnant... :))

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Names

Often considered to be one of the most important steps in preparing for a new child, child naming can be a difficult task.

My husband and I began discussing baby names long ago. If your like me, you have theoretically thought of the name of that "someday" baby for a long time. A friend recently reminded me that, back in high school, I had the name Aphrodite all picked out for that little girl I was sure I would have one day (I was really into Greek mythology). Someone along the way did the inevitable- listed all the ways the name could be made fun of. I realized that complex and unique may not be the way to go. While you want something memorable for your child, you don't want to give them that crazy name that will get them pushed down on the playground (not to offend anyone with the name Aphrodite- I like that name, but I think you'll agree it's a risky move).

The other issue with baby naming is that name suggestions often remind us of someone we once knew with the same name. For example, after teaching kindergarten, there are a few little boy names that are just plain off-limits. My husband is particularly difficult to work with in this area. We really struggled to find one that didn't conjure negative images for him. Some were just downright ridiculous, others I could somewhat understand.  After much discussion, including the suggestion (by my husband, of course) of, First name: Chuck, Middle name: Norris, we finally have two names chosen. While these names may conjure a playground bully from your past, that promiscuous cheerleader you just couldn't stand from your high school days, or a dorky scientist kid on a popular animated TV show... for us, they are just right.

And what are these perfect-for-us names? If it is a boy, his name will be Dexter (Dex will be his nickname). If it's a girl, her name will be Zoey (Zoe for short). Now we just have to wait until late July to find out which name we get to use!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My First Appointment

I finally had my first appointment on Tuesday of this week... I hate Doctor's offices (especially mine), because they always run late (I extremely punctual). My husband actually got to go with me, which I was super excited about. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, we were called back. They asked a bunch of questions, and then finally sent in the Doctor. I had never met him before, but he was recommended to me by my sister. I really like him (good thing). Since we were unsure about the baby's age, they did an early ultrasound to measure, and guess what? There is, indeed, a baby in there (although it looked like a squirrel to me) See for yourself:
It was such an amazing experience to see that little heart fluttering. I cannot wait to meet this little one. Oh, and you may be wondering...we were finally given an official due date (drum roll, please): 12-12-12! How crazy is that?!