Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boy or Girl??

We had our second appointment at the baby doctor yesterday. I am officially 12 weeks along, now (the baby is the size of a large plum!!). After waiting for 30 minutes in the waiting room, and another 15 in the exam room (don't you just hate that doctor's offices are NEVER on time?), we finally saw our doctor. After some questions, he performed a Doppler exam to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time. So fun!

The baby's heart rate came in at a whopping 160 beats per minute, which brings me to my next point...boy or girl? There are several old wives' tales out there for determining baby gender. I have listed them, with my results, below:

Heart Rate: (over 140=girl, under 140=boy).......................................................................................Girl
High or low: (high=girl, low=boy)...Hard to say since I am not really showing, but mostly low......Boy
Sweet V. Sour: (Ice cream for girls, pickles for boys)... (I can't get enough ice cream!!)..................Girl
Chinese Birth Chart: (Uses age and month of conception).................................................................Girl
Mayan Predictor (because they are so great at predicting stuff): (uses age and year of conception).Girl
The Key Test: (determined by how a friend picks up a key)..............................................................Boy
The Zit Test: (breakouts=girl).............................................................................................................Boy
The Ring Swing: (your ring on a sting swings back and forth v. in a circle)......................................Girl
Morning Sickness: (sick=girl, hardly sick at all=boy)...Hard to say since this is my first.................Girl
Hair: (thin and dull=girl, thick=boy)..................................................................................................Boy
Weight Distribution: (in front=boy, in hips/bum=girl).......................................................................Boy
Cold Feet: (colder feet=boy, no change=girl).....................................................................................Girl

Final Score: Girl
I find out gender July 20th! YAY!

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