
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Weight-Loss Journey

Most people in America struggle with their weight at some point in their lives. For me, college, getting married, and then later having a baby were my triggers. I've heard that you must be most careful about your calorie intake when you are happiest, which seems to hold true for me.

This is me at high school graduation:

I slowly started packing on pounds in college. Most people do. Just a few pounds every six months or so. I got married the day after graduating college.

After getting married, I really ballooned. I was happy, had the money to eat out as often as I wanted (for the first time ever), and I just couldn't contain my happiness. When I started working at SCU, they offered free lunch for their employees. Think "all you can eat buffet." Sure, there were lots of healthy options, but did I eat those? Nope. I soon found myself heavier than I had ever been, and about 20 lbs over "healthy weight."

That is when I found Weight Watchers Online. I had tried lots of other diets first (HCG, Atkins, Calorie Counting, Diet Pills, etc.), but nothing seemed to work. If it did work, I couldn't stick with it (I NEED pasta and an occasional ice cream). Weight Watchers online worked perfectly for me. I was able to track everything on my phone, never have to go to meetings or buy special food, and could eat as much as I wanted (as long as it was a fruit or vegetable). I lost about 25 pounds before finding out that I was pregnant.

Pregnancy was one of the happiest times of my life. I quit weight watchers (it's not allowed for or geared towards pregnant women). I gained way more than was healthy (50 lbs total). When I came home from the hospital, I was the heaviest I had ever been.

I gave myself a month of recovery time and went back on Weight Watchers online. I got to my healthy weight (I lost about 40 pounds from pregnancy), and stopped for awhile. I maintained most of that weight loss, but I still wanted to lose more. I wanted to get back to the weight I had been in high school (still well-within my healthy range).

On January 1, 2014 I made a New Years resolution to lose the weight I had been struggling with for so long. That last 15-18 pounds that I just couldn't shed. I'm happy to say that I reached my goal in March, and have since maintained for two months now!

Sorry if this sounds like an advertisement for WW, but I really believe in the program. It has worked wonders for me, and is way more healthy than anything else I have tried! If you want more information on Weight Watchers Online, PM me! Super easy to follow, healthy, and you WILL lose weight!